一直崇拜并且愿意成为这样一个逃课者。因为他们要么聪明要么明确的知道自己想干什么。Buller什么都能handle,并且有自己的stand,敢于和任何人叫板。羡慕他有这样的能力和胆识。 我希望我能早点看到这部电影。不过现在也不迟。我还有课可以供我逃,监狱学园还有获得这种潇洒心态的机会。 Life moves pretty,if you don't stop and look around once in a while,you could miss it.
What a twist! Might not be statistically possible, but sick as the family is guess everything is possible. Something tremendously disturbing about the conservative southern countryside. Feels like a creepy social experiment, except it was true. The fall of the south, indeed. Could relate a lot to the belief that 'let's end the sufferings and pains at me and not pass them to the next generation.'