真实事件改编,但是影片重点放在格雷维尔充当偷窥无罪的过程,可潘科夫斯基背叛祖国的动机却是不甚明了,起码不是那句为了世界和平可以解释。 演技上面,卷福还是奉献了一次精彩的演出,而且顺便还自虐了一次,作为对手戏的梅拉布尼尼泽也是不错,只是剧情的硬伤,实在辜负了演员的付出。
「This is not a limited edition. This was an origin story the whole time.」「I don't think we are particularly evil, and we don't choose sides. We try to stop both of you. If there is one of you, the opposite of you appears; it escalates, we step in. There just can't be Gods amongst us. It's not fair. It has worked just fine for ten thousand years our way. Take consolation in the fact that you were right about your theory. Be at peace.」「I wasn't a mistake, mama. → No. You were spectacular.」